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Track Record

Composite as at Dec 31 2023

Tralucent Managed Account Equity Composite

Tralucent Asset Management was founded in July of 2008, and here we present the firm’s various mandates since inception. In addition, you may consider the abilities and commitments of the Portfolio Managers who are the guiding spirit of money management in this company – in global equities, and fixed income. Their past successes and strong track records speak for their abilities.


In Brief

This composite includes ALL of the Tralucent private accounts that have the mandate to be primarily in equities. The benchmark for all of them is the MSCI World Total Return Index in Canadian dollars. This is a dollar weighted composite with over 360 unique accounts and over 200 unique stock positions as at Dec 31, 2023.


Composite Breakdown

The results presented are after fees paid by the clients, assuming an MER of 2.15%, and have been converted to Canadian dollars to be directly comparable to the market benchmark. (Note: Figures are stated as Money Weighted Rate of Return. Information presented is not GIPS compliant.)



Our process is fundamental research intensive, where we pinpoint globally competitive companies available at reasonable prices, have an ultra low turnover and ensure everyone is as fully invested as possible. Readers are urged to read our Principles and Philosophy section as well as our section on DOs and DON’Ts to get a fuller picture.



The out performance is almost all due to picking superior companies and holding onto them for a long time.


The Founders’ commitment

Bill, the founder, has a substantial and significant position in the Tralucent Fund - and therefore the composite as well - thereby aligning his and Tralucent’s interests with that of the clients.


The Un-audited Nature

These results are un-audited. Tralucent believes the results are representative of its performance.